As a Fourth Year Architectural Design course, Arch. 142 focuses on bridging the earlier design courses and the culminating Fifth Year Arch. 199.1/Arch. 199.2 Design courses. The integrated Arch 141/ Arch 142 courses initiate the integrative function of linking the related architectural courses that introduce the students to Mechanical/Electrical Equipment/Systems, Plumbing, Structural Design, Acoustics and Lighting, Site Planning/ Urban Design and Urban Planning in a cohesive and comprehensive manner as related to Architectural Design…

Plate #1 is the design of a 400+ seat stand alone auditorium meant for speech. Focus is on seating layout, choice and location of materials, ceiling and wall configuration, and Reverberation Time Computations, all to create an acoustically sound space with perfect speech intelligibility, and free from acoustical defects…

Plate #2 is an integration of acoustical design to the students ARCH142 major design project. Acoustical intervention focuses on proper space programming, space acoustics for good sound enhancement, and noise control…