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Talaro A Proposed Duplex Townhouse Development Creator Neil Alfred Baynosa Course Arch 32 Professor Prof. Nicolo Precioso Del Castillo, PhD

Auditorium Design

Auditorium Design Creator Ruby Ann Mamangun Course Arch 147 Professor Prof. Alex Ray Evangelista

Cebu Central Station

Proposal for the Development of Cebu Central Station Creator Florentina Mae Importante Course Arch 142 Professor Prof. Kelvin De Chavez

Abel Iloco

Abel Iloco A Nature Trail Featuring Weaving Stations Creator Airish Castillo Course L Arch 132 Professor Prof. Charl Justine DarapisaProf. Maria Vio Bianca Fernandez

Abel Iloco

Abel iloco A Botanical Park Featuring Focal Points as Wayfinding Mechanisms Creator Airish Castillo Course L Arch 132 Professors Prof. madonna DanaoProf. Charl Justine Darapisa


The Licabenos’ Agrotourism Farm A Transformation of Intensive Agriculture to a Diversified Regenerative Agroecological Approach in the Development of Resilient Food Systems Creator Airish Castillo… Read More »TLAF

Mount Apo

Mount Apo Natural Creator Katrice Gale Lloren Course L Arch 132 Professors Prof. Charl Justine DarapisaProf. Jaclyn Marie Alessandra Brillantes


Lago-Na! Promoting the Continuity of Laguna de Bay Author Nika Soleil Enriquez Course Arch 199.2 Thesis Adviser Prof. Leonido Gines, Jr.


Strengthening Initiatives in Urban Farming and Food Security through a Mixed-use Urban Agriculture Center in Quezon City Author Jasmine Rayel Course Arch 199.2 Thesis Adviser… Read More »SIUFFS