The National Service Training Program – Civic Welfare Training Service (NSTP-CWTS 2) course is a community engagement program offered by the UP College of Architecture (UPCA), whereby students volunteer to work for organizations/communities by providing public service.
In order to facilitate this semester’s CWTS course considering the challenges of remote learning, UPCA, together with UP School of Economics (UPSE), partnered with the Technical Assistance Movement for People and Environment, Inc. (TAMPEI) and the Homeless People’s Federation Philippines Inc. (HPFPI).
With TAMPEI and HPFPI, the CWTS students were able to engage remotely with 8 different communities from NCR and Davao.
Over the course of 14 weeks, each CWTS group collaborated with their adopted community to come up with creative solutions – from urban gardening to information campaigns – to cater to the community’s immediate needs.